Microchipping is one of the best ways to ensure protection of your dog or cat in the event that s/he is stolen, wanders away or becomes lost during a powerful storm. Having your pet injected with a microchip is an action that shows you are a caring, responsible, efficient pet owner.

Female veterinarian holding puppy Here are some frequently asked questions we hear about microchipping at White Oaks Veterinary Clinic, which serves the communities and surrounding farms of Bethany, Choctaw, Edmonds, Jones, Meridian, Piedmont and Seward, OK.

What is a pet microchip?

A pet microchip is a glass tube the size of a grain of rice. It contains a miniscule radio transmitter and a tiny plate — also called a chip — containing electronic circuits bearing your pet’s ID number. If your cat or dog loses their way and then loses their tags, personnel in animal shelters can use a scanner to detect your pet’s ID.

How is a microchip implanted? Where will it be in my pet’s body?

It is standard for veterinarians to implant a microchip under the loose skin of your pet’s shoulder blades. The process is done with a needle and looks like an injection.

Will microchipping be painful for my pet? Does it require anesthesia?

The injection is no more painful than a vaccination. Since no surgery is involved, anesthesia is unnecessary.

How does a microchip help me to trace my pet?

After your pet is “chipped,” you record its ID number and basic contact information with one of a number of registries. Animal shelter workers know to scan your pet’s shoulder area. After collecting your pet’s ID number, a worker inputs the number into a database containing microchip registries. When a match is made, the registry contacts you about your pet’s location.

How do I find out if the pet I just adopted from a shelter is microchipped?

The shelter most likely scans all the cats and dogs it houses. So the shelter should be able to tell you if your pet is microchipped. For some shelters, it is standard procedure to implant microchips in all animals that don’t already have them.

Since no surgery or anesthesia is necessary, can I implant my pet’s microchip?

Although the injection looks easy, complications can occur if the process is done incorrectly. As the American Veterinary Medical Association notes, the process needs to be supervised by a veterinarian who knows exactly where to inject the needle, how deep to go and how much force to use.

Do microchips replace ID tags?

No! Keep your dog’s or cat’s ID and rabies tags in good condition. They protect against a stranger keeping your dog or cat when they stray away.

Is it expensive to get my pet microchipped?

No! Microchipping will likely cost you less than a family night at the movies.

Schedule Today! We serve Edmond, Seward, Piedmont, Bethany, Meridian, Jones, and Choctaw, OK communities.

Please call or email us at White Oaks Veterinary by calling (405) 330-0676. We’ll be glad to answer any other questions you may have about the process and to set an appointment for your pet.